Sunday, December 18, 2011

Has it really been this long??

Well, there are 67 days until the's been 36 days since my last blog post...LACKING MOTIVATION!!! I'm not sure why, I just am. I know I need to get in gear and do some training...however I am lacking the ability to get out and hit the pavement. So many things have gone on since my last update...I'm a brunette, I'm no longer working with the trainer, I'm registered for the WDW Radio Running Team, Thanksgiving came and went so did my 29 and a half birthday, and now it's a week from Christmas! I've booked my move as well, which happens to be the week before the race...thinking I may go insane! I'm also only working out once a week, doing my aerial. It's great fun, still not running though.

Starting from the first thing, yes brunette's have more fun!  See!  Loving my brown hair...feels so good, however- I'm running as Rapunzel at the race, I need a long ponytail out of my hat or something....oh great, another project for me before the race!

I had to stop working with the personal trainer...things were getting a bit expensive. He helped my hip problems, significantly, I just couldn't afford it 2 times a week. I know that I should still be doing the workouts and stretches he gave me to do, but it seems I love my bed too much. Maybe there's a problem with me...I have a deep affection for my bed, and sleep. At least I know that my body is well rested.

I registered myself for the WDW Radio Running Team.  Let me start off by saying, I decided to join this running team to have a bit more motivation...I STILL DON'T HAVE ANY! I also joined because they run for the Make a Wish Foundation. They have done a significant amount of fundraising with their Dream Team that they formed. The only thing I needed to do was commit to raising $100....which I know is an easy amount to start at! I'd ideally like to raise a bit more, but that is all determined by the amounts that my friends and family are willing to give. I haven't asked them yet, perhaps now would be a good time?? I have provided the link, if you decide to donate, be sure to add my name beside it, and let me know that you did.

 The holidays...what can I say? I'm excited cause Mike will be arriving, and staying throughout the entire break! Maybe he will be able to get me to go out and run a little bit. It's going to be a very bittersweet Christmas this year, knowing that this will be my last in NYC, my last living alone, and knowing that at this time next year I'll be hosting the holidays at OUR house -wherever that may be.

 Things will be so crazy over the next 2 months. I'll be packing and painting and all around going nuts due to my move that is fast approaching! I have the movers actually coming 2 Thursdays before the race, dropping everything off the week OF the race! I don't have an exact date yet of the drop off, but I know it will be falling REALLY close! Mom and I discussed the logistics, and I've already begun the cleaning/organization process that I'm totally distracting away from at the moment to finish this blog post. I've been taking inventory of my things and purging as much as I find useful. It feels good to get it done now, so my mind can be clearer when moving date comes!

I've been trying to journal a little bit, writing down some thoughts on what to blog about....mostly running and training seems to be whats there now. I'm using a Disney Princess notebook with an Ariel pen that was given to be for my birthday!   I know I should be doing more than just writing about my running, it's a thing called PROCRASTINATION!  I need to just set some meaningful, small goals and stick to them.  Setting personal goals has been on my list already, in which I've only succeeded in completing them the first week!  I wrote down that I wanted to complete the Goofy Challenge next year, which would mean I would be not only running a half marathon, but in the same weekend completing the FULL marathon!  I might be biting off more than I can chew, especially since I haven't had the motivation to train for this upcoming race!  We'll see.  I might need to do the full marathon first, then see about the Goofy.  It's a goal....a very distant in completion goal.

The weekend has come and gone, it's gotten colder outside, and there went the opportunity to run.  When it comes down to it, I think I need to just stop over thinking, and JUST DO IT!

I've gotta keep my eye on the prize!  I know it's for my own good!  Wish me luck on the challenge of my lack of motivation....Let's hope the next time I'm blogging I will have something to say about actually hitting that pavement!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

103 days...

And here I sit.....blogging about my road to this race....not having hit the pavement in nearly a month. I talk about my running, I think about my running, I know I should be training, but it's been hard to catch my groove. Now is the time, and it's now or never. I'm not sure why it's been so hard for me to get out there and start my running, perhaps it's just a lack of the ability to separate my behind from my bed. I always manage to come up with an excuse...

I walked home from the hair salon today, it wasn't very far away, only 1.7 miles. It took me on the route I used to run when I was training last year. It's so pretty and quiet where I was. I came across this small garden, I took a picture of it...nothing spectacular, but I thought it was in such a strange location. I can't believe I had never really seen it. I thought about going home, changing and then going on a run on the exact road I was on. THAT didn't happen. My excuse, I just got my hair cut..who wants to get their freshly washed, cut and blow dried hair all gross?? NOT ME!

Last weekend we went to my favorite place on earth...Walt Disney World. It was a much needed, but too short trip. It's always so nice to be able to go there. Mike, Dad & Trish, B & Alex all came. We walked and walked and at least I can say that I was getting some sort of exercise in.

I've been utilizing the trainer from the gym, I missed this week due to scheduling issues, but my hips have been feeling better. Well, they aren't hurting cause I haven't been maybe tomorrow, we'll know for sure if it's the running that's hurting my hips.

So, here I sit...lazily in my bed....having ordered pizza, eaten it, and digested it, all right here in my bed. I guess I have one thing going for's only Saturday. There's always tomorrow.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A day of cleaning.....

....and another weekend has escaped me! I'm just not sure how the weekends just keep getting away from me. I continue to be a bit lazy, however I spent the whole day today cleaning the house....from TOP TO BOTTOM! Plus not to mention I made a huge pot of Potato Leek soup with Cabbage, as well as chicken tacos with homemade guacamole. All healthy options for me to eat for the week...but still no run.

I signed up to meet with a trainer at the gym this past week. There was a sign up sheet for "yoga for runners" so I was all about it! I set up the sessions for this past Tuesday and Thursday. I'm happy to say that the methods that the trainer has been using, have caused my hip pain to completely go away! He's been doing Thai Yoga, which is a hands on approach, one on one, with stretching and deep tissue massage, followed by strengthening exercises. I'm finding it is working! I am going to continue with the training sessions once a week. I'm hoping that he can give me some good stretches to follow for the rest of the week.

I've also decided to stop with the Antigravity for a while. Like I said in my last post, I think it's adding to my hip pain.

On another note, I'm very excited that I'll be in WDW in 2 weeks! I'm just so excited to have this trip planned! It is a very necessary break from the routine. I know that once I am fully back in FL, we will continue to go as much, if not MORE, than the amount that we go now.

On to the next crazy week!

Race day in 123 days...2 hours....44 minutes...30 seconds and counting............

Thursday, October 13, 2011

134 days, 00 hours, 51 minutes, 40 seconds......and counting...........

Just saw a commercial for Disney fitting while I'm collecting my thoughts getting ready to blog about my path toward running in a race in a Disney park. They say "Let the memories begin, at the place where dreams come true." They could not be more right! It is the place that I KNOW I can go and feel like there is nothing else in the world...and nothing could go wrong there. It doesn't matter what the weather, the day, or the crowd...I ALWAYS AM HAPPY THERE. My dreams do come true there, I make so many memories there! With that being said, there is no other place I would rather be, and no other reason I would train for over 200 days to run there.

I have been having quite a hard time getting into a routine (besides my Wednesday nights at the gym). I went tonight, however, only ran, did not do my class. I wanted to test out and see if it was the class making my hip hurt or if it was my running. As I lay in my bed, typing away, I am finding myself in the same pain I usually am in after the gym. Could it be?? My hip pain is from my running? Might be time for me to get back into my yoga for runners.

Time for me to get back into a lot of things. Seems to be the story of my life. I just need to find my groove. It will happen, I am confident.

On to my run, I had a miserable day at work, so I wanted to focus that frustration on my running. And boy did I! I set the treadmill for 40 minutes, with a 5 minute cool down. I covered the workout summary with my towel as to not see how far or long I was running. My music was good and loud, so my pace was set nicely. I ran for a total of 45 minutes, at a distance of 3.45 miles. Slower than I thought I was running...but at least I went some more distance than I have been. Gotta crank it up gradually with the way my hip feels.

I suppose I should probably get myself to bed here soon. But before I go...I have one little announcement....drum roll please........................I passed my AFAA Group Fitness Certification! I was very nervous that I didn't pass the exam, but I did! It is very exciting news because it has now opened a new opportunity for my future. Not sure what it will provide, but I'm sure it will be a bright new change in my life!!

Hopefully the next time I write, I will be THAT much closer to my next trip to Walt Disney World. As of today, Mike and I's next trip to WDW is in exactly 21 days away!! And the race is exactly..........134 days, 00 hours, 51 minutes, 40 seconds......and counting...........

Thursday, October 6, 2011

141 days, 1 hour, 36 minutes and counting......

So I'm feeling like doing my count down is forcing me to see how I'm progressing in my training...considering my last post was nearly 20 days ago, I'd say my training is lacking. I did have a busy last 2 weeks to defend myself!

So many things have happened!!! My long time friend Mary Anne got hitched!! It was a beautiful day and I'm so happy I was able to be there! I think I sufficiently got my workout in throughout the day, having been so consumed with make up of (I think it was) 10 beautiful girls, getting myself ready, setting up the milkshake bar that I designed (which I feel was a hit), and still trying to relax - which I have a hard time doing! . I enjoyed doing all of those things so much, however, my Mikey was finally exposed to "wedding Jilly". Now let me explain, "wedding Jilly" is myself in complete wedding mode, from start to finish! It's not something I can control, I believe I just have a knack at everything wedding! I just hope I am able to control myself when it comes for my own wedding ;-) or at least have someone to reign me in and help me by making sure everything is done exactly how I like it. I have an idea of who I can ask, but that comes with time and the ring on my finger.

After the wedding was over, I SLEPT! Didn't sleep much the night before the wedding...(can't imagine what I'm going to be like the night before mine) I crashed by like 9:30pm. We woke up the next morning, headed to breakfast with the fam (a special visit from cousins Barbara and Fanny), and as we were heading to breakfast we came across the battlefield of Gettysburg, PA. It was a very cool experience touring the town. I can't believe how much history I have yet to experience in the USA! That will have to be another blog and another challenge - to travel the US!

Well enough of my weekend (and excuses)....on to my running!

Not much to be said. I forgot my metro card on Tuesday and didn't have my wallet, so I ran back to work (from 79th to 67th). They say 10 blocks is a mile. So with that being said, I ran a little more than a mile. It was pretty quick too. Then tonight is my usual night at the gym. I look forward to this night, cause I get to swing from the rafters at Antigravity. I also force myself to get on the treadmill. I ran 2 miles tonight in 22 minutes. I'm happy with the time, not happy with how my legs were feeling during. A bit of tightness in my calves...nothing a little bit of stretching won't cure.

New sneaks are really proving their worth. I really do love them!

I know I keep saying I'm going to get on a schedule and a routine...I haven't yet, I'm a lazy butt! It will come in time...Just really need to stop enjoying my sleep so much. Better get to bed soon, need to train my body to go to bed earlier, so I actually do get out of bed at a reasonable hour to get my run on! Let me do this, set a goal to make it out of bed to do my 30 minutes of running on Tuesday and Thursday of next week, followed by a run on the weekend.

On another note, tonight a pioneer in all things passed away...Steve Jobs, thank you for your innovation and knowledge! Thank you for giving us the joy of Pixar, without you and your confidence, we wouldn't have such classics as Cars, Ratatouille, and Monsters, Inc. I can only wish to be as innovative as you were (in my own little way).

Off to the challenges of a new week.....

Thursday, September 22, 2011

155 days....0 hours....48 minutes and counting

Laziness is all I can blame my lack of blogging and running on. It's a shame, cause I could be going so far!

My hip is still going thru spurts of right this very moment. I'm laying down, no weight on it, and it still hurts! I can walk on it, and as a matter of fact- can run on why the pain still? Some kind of medical thing that will just have to wait until after I get health insurance.

So I made it to the gym both tonight and last week. Last week I didn't run. I was still in too much pain with my hip, but I still managed to do Antigravity. This week, I hit the treadmill for 15 minutes...completing just over a mile. I made my 11 minute mile. Now to keep that up for more than just a mile. I know that it will get better and better, it's just I have to make the time. Again, I claim LAZINESS!!

I'm aiming to get my pace more along the lines of a 10 minute mile, for 13.1 miles. That will mean finishing in 2 hours 30 minutes and a few seconds. Last year my pace was 2 hours 37 minutes and 12 seconds. It was an average pace of about 11 minutes 59 seconds and 51 seconds. That's a little too close to a 12 minute mile for me! Time to pick up the overall average pace!

I know it is possible to get myself to the pace that I want. When looking back at my tracker for each marker (5k, 10K and finish) they gave the average pace for each segment. The 5k average was 10:38:88, completing the 5k in 33:05. The 10k was a little slower, but it's a gradual average pace. Finished the 10K in 1:08:31, which was an average pace of 11:01:57. That would be like what I ran today. I could do that...I think. That's a reasonable pace. Will that get me done in 2 and a half hours?? Would just need to keep up with that pace for the rest of the race...not jump to nearly 12 minutes per mile.

There will be no stopping for pictures this year until I cross that finish line!! Only stopping to pee if necessary. There's just somethings I need to focus of them being GET MY BUTT IN GEAR!!

Hoping my hip feels better....wanting a run this weekend.

Looking into a new training program from Jeff's a time improvement training schedule that goes for 23 weeks....I have time....but I need to get JUST DO IT!!!

Hopefully sooner than later....

Thursday, September 15, 2011

162 days...00 hours....45 minutes and counting....

Just a fast one!

Had major hip pain yesterday...not sure if it was the over use from Sunday or not, but I know that it was very difficult to walk yesterday.

Made it to the gym tonight...Antigravity, but no running. Will need to get back to training....eventually. I must make sure my hip is back up to the strength it needs to be.

Not much to say tonight. I'm heading off to bed, just like my babe should be! He starts his first internship tomorrow morning! I'm so super proud of him! Can't wait to hear how it went!

Hopefully sooner than later.........

Monday, September 12, 2011


Ok, so I am SORE SORE SORE!!! As I sit here this morning in my room...drinking my coffee, looking at the fitness roller, thinking about how much I NEED to do it, BUT IT HURTS SO BAD!! It is meant to roll out your muscles that are tight, as if you are getting a deep massage by a big strong person! I'll get to it, slowly but surely, before I head to work....I JUST HAVE TO!

The reason why I have so much soreness today is because yesterday was my AFAA Group Fitness Certification. I DID IT! Well, I don't know if I have the certification quite yet....they say it takes 4-6 weeks until you get the envelope in the mail.

There are 2 types of envelopes you can get....the first is a little tiny letter sized envelope, and inside that is a letter saying "Sorry, try again later". The OTHER is this BIG package, and when I get that one in my mail box ;-), it will be filled with a CONGRATULATIONS letter and my certification certificate!

So it was a very successful day...I ended up getting up VERY early to ensure I would be there on time (it was 9/11, also the 10 year anniversary, and there was heavy security throughout the city). I got there an HOUR early. It was good, I went in about 30 minutes early, met the instructor, who was simply AWESOME!! She called herself NuNu, and she wore hot pink pants and shirt, an outfit you would wear to Zumba. The outfits for Zumba are usually fun with tassels, bright in color, and plain old awesome! NuNu was very knowledgeable in all things fitness!! She basically went over EVERYTHING on the test! I was happy for that, being I studied, but wasn't feeling confident just reading a book and working on a study guide. We also spent the day going over all of the things they would be looking for in the practical exam. It was A LOT of working out...and I AM NOW SORE!!!

I had a brief moment of anxiety when it came time to work on what we were going to do for our 1 minute individual presentation. I couldn't think of what I was going to do, and I didn't want to do the same thing that everyone else was doing (which was situps and push ups). You had to get up front of the group, and demonstrate the specific thing you chose to do. I started freaking a bit and ran to the bathroom, and I started to cry. Just a little bit...then NuNu came in and asked me what I was doing...and that I HAD IT...I just needed that little bit of direction and support! I was glad to have her on my side! I went back in the room, did everything I needed to do, and PULLED IT OFF!! Thank you NuNu for giving me that extra boost of confidence that I knew I had inside, that needed to be brought out!! (And for going over everything that would be on the test ;-)

Thank you to everyone that was praying for me to do well! I know there were quite a few prayers going on for me!! And thanks to my babe for talking me out of freaking out the night before!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH BABE!! (He told me that he'll still love me, even if I'm homeless, and have no job, and am fat...3 things of which I will probably never be with him around)

Well, this week should be a good week for some running....just not today.

Until next time.......

Thursday, September 8, 2011

169 days...1 hour....31 minutes and counting.....

I actually made it to the gym tonight. I wasn't quite sure what time I'd get out of work tonight, but managed to get out of there at a reasonable time.

Took the bus across the park and made it to the gym at about 7:10....headed straight to the treadmills. I had intentions of doing a 30 minute run, but being that I like a specific location in the classroom for Antigravity, I ended up up cutting it short. I ran for a total of 12 minutes and 52 seconds. That got me 1.07 miles from the starting point (on the treadmill, mind you). Doesn't sound like much, but I ran the whole time at a nice slow pace (a 5 on the machine). Walked for about .07...hhaha. Wore my old sneakers (the ones I wore the last race) was gross out, so I kept my new ones safe from the elements for now. They will need to be exposed one of these days...just not yet!!

So I started out on one of my favorite treadmills, while some girl gave me looks cause I was trying to organize where my dumb rain coat would go....didn't want to put it on the floor, so I tried hanging it, folding it, ended up on the floor. There is a huge locker room to hang things like coat and lock things up, but I like to keep my stuff with me when it is minimal...once it's winter, I suppose I'll bring the lock again. The girl continued giving me looks as I watched a funny lady in the mirror behind me. She was pumping her arms up and down vigorously...she looked so silly. Not sure what kind of move she was doing, but it worked for her I guess. That crazy lady then came and started speed walking with the same arm movement, right behind me. Nothing I hate more than someone making funny arm movements behind me. I couldn't help but laugh at her. Went downstairs at 8:00 and got in my spot, ready to go for Antigravity.

I can definitely say I'm out of shape from where I was at the beginning of summer. My body is sore now...better stretch it out so I can get back to my running. Just rolled on my roller, felt gooooooood.

The rain was horrendous yet again today. In one way I'm glad we're getting the rain, but on the other, I'm just plain over it! It can rain all it wants over the weekend...I'll be home all day Saturday and Sunday I'll be taking my AFAA certification.

Hoping that the certification will review the study guide thoroughly. I haven't really reviewed as much as I'd like to this week. Since I'm home, I've really not been able to focus on it. I'll make time to study Saturday....cramming at it's finest ;-)

Off to go have a few Starburst...brush my teeth....then head to bed!!

Until next time........

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Rain rain go away....Waaaay too much rain today....maybe tomorrow there will be NO RAIN!! It's Wednesday tomorrow...that means I can finally go back to Antigravity! So necessary!!

Until tomorrow!

Sunday, September 4, 2011


....but there is always tomorrow! I know I said I was going to run today....I didn't. I ended up waking up on the later end of 12, spent some time chatting with a sweet friend, then decided to go get my nails done. It took quite a while at the nail salon, which delayed my desire to run. I then made a run to Home Depot for a few items for this "project" I'm working on. So far, it's coming out very nicely!!

So with all of that equaled no run :-( There's always tomorrow......

Until then.....

Friday, September 2, 2011

174 days, 9 hours, 52 minutes and counting.....

Well, here I am, once again....

It's official, I'm back and ready to commit to my blogging my adventures preparing for the Disney Princess Half Marathon in February 2012.

I'll start from the beginning. Last year 2010 I decided that I wanted to participate in a Disney race, so I decided that the Princess one would be fitting. I trained in Sunnyside, NY, from October until February 2011. I had a running partner, Marielle, who lived in my neighborhood. It was great to run with her and finish together! Our finish time was 2 hours 37 minutes 10 seconds. I'd like to get this year under 2 and a half hours. It's a hefty goal, but I'm willing to work hard to get there!

This year, I'm looking forward to changing it up a bit. I registered as an individual this year, and am looking into joining a running team. I've found 1, from the podcast I'm a big follower of, WDW Radio. Looking forward to some of the fun support that comes along with running with a team. People you have never met before, cheering for you! It's such a fun feeling! I have an AMAZING support crew behind me already, but I'm looking to build my numbers! They also are linked to a good cause...they run to make money for the Make a Wish Foundation. More details on that to follow in upcoming blog posts.

I've not done any training or much running since the last race. It's going to make it a challenge to get back into my training once again. I've got the gym membership and the new sneakers, not to mention, I'll be an official certified group exercise instructor by Sept 11, 2011. Looking forward to getting back to the city and routine, from working out east in the Hamptons for the summer. It messes with my schedule too much and doesn't leave me any opportunity to have time to myself (except for right at this moment, as soon as I know it, they will all be home from the beach and dinner prep will commence). I know it's no excuse....however, any opportunity I get to be lazy, I take it! It's TIME TO GET MY LAZY BUTT INTO GEAR!

So with that being said, I have taken the necessary steps to get said butt into action. I have already registered for the 2012 race, and purchased my sneakers (same sneaker as before just the upgraded version) the Mizuno Wave Creation 12. I've started the blog back now I better get to training!!!

Back in the city tomorrow....maybe a run on Sunday. It will probably be a small one, but it's a start......

Until next time..........