Thursday, October 6, 2011

141 days, 1 hour, 36 minutes and counting......

So I'm feeling like doing my count down is forcing me to see how I'm progressing in my training...considering my last post was nearly 20 days ago, I'd say my training is lacking. I did have a busy last 2 weeks to defend myself!

So many things have happened!!! My long time friend Mary Anne got hitched!! It was a beautiful day and I'm so happy I was able to be there! I think I sufficiently got my workout in throughout the day, having been so consumed with make up of (I think it was) 10 beautiful girls, getting myself ready, setting up the milkshake bar that I designed (which I feel was a hit), and still trying to relax - which I have a hard time doing! . I enjoyed doing all of those things so much, however, my Mikey was finally exposed to "wedding Jilly". Now let me explain, "wedding Jilly" is myself in complete wedding mode, from start to finish! It's not something I can control, I believe I just have a knack at everything wedding! I just hope I am able to control myself when it comes for my own wedding ;-) or at least have someone to reign me in and help me by making sure everything is done exactly how I like it. I have an idea of who I can ask, but that comes with time and the ring on my finger.

After the wedding was over, I SLEPT! Didn't sleep much the night before the wedding...(can't imagine what I'm going to be like the night before mine) I crashed by like 9:30pm. We woke up the next morning, headed to breakfast with the fam (a special visit from cousins Barbara and Fanny), and as we were heading to breakfast we came across the battlefield of Gettysburg, PA. It was a very cool experience touring the town. I can't believe how much history I have yet to experience in the USA! That will have to be another blog and another challenge - to travel the US!

Well enough of my weekend (and excuses)....on to my running!

Not much to be said. I forgot my metro card on Tuesday and didn't have my wallet, so I ran back to work (from 79th to 67th). They say 10 blocks is a mile. So with that being said, I ran a little more than a mile. It was pretty quick too. Then tonight is my usual night at the gym. I look forward to this night, cause I get to swing from the rafters at Antigravity. I also force myself to get on the treadmill. I ran 2 miles tonight in 22 minutes. I'm happy with the time, not happy with how my legs were feeling during. A bit of tightness in my calves...nothing a little bit of stretching won't cure.

New sneaks are really proving their worth. I really do love them!

I know I keep saying I'm going to get on a schedule and a routine...I haven't yet, I'm a lazy butt! It will come in time...Just really need to stop enjoying my sleep so much. Better get to bed soon, need to train my body to go to bed earlier, so I actually do get out of bed at a reasonable hour to get my run on! Let me do this, set a goal to make it out of bed to do my 30 minutes of running on Tuesday and Thursday of next week, followed by a run on the weekend.

On another note, tonight a pioneer in all things passed away...Steve Jobs, thank you for your innovation and knowledge! Thank you for giving us the joy of Pixar, without you and your confidence, we wouldn't have such classics as Cars, Ratatouille, and Monsters, Inc. I can only wish to be as innovative as you were (in my own little way).

Off to the challenges of a new week.....

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