Monday, September 12, 2011


Ok, so I am SORE SORE SORE!!! As I sit here this morning in my room...drinking my coffee, looking at the fitness roller, thinking about how much I NEED to do it, BUT IT HURTS SO BAD!! It is meant to roll out your muscles that are tight, as if you are getting a deep massage by a big strong person! I'll get to it, slowly but surely, before I head to work....I JUST HAVE TO!

The reason why I have so much soreness today is because yesterday was my AFAA Group Fitness Certification. I DID IT! Well, I don't know if I have the certification quite yet....they say it takes 4-6 weeks until you get the envelope in the mail.

There are 2 types of envelopes you can get....the first is a little tiny letter sized envelope, and inside that is a letter saying "Sorry, try again later". The OTHER is this BIG package, and when I get that one in my mail box ;-), it will be filled with a CONGRATULATIONS letter and my certification certificate!

So it was a very successful day...I ended up getting up VERY early to ensure I would be there on time (it was 9/11, also the 10 year anniversary, and there was heavy security throughout the city). I got there an HOUR early. It was good, I went in about 30 minutes early, met the instructor, who was simply AWESOME!! She called herself NuNu, and she wore hot pink pants and shirt, an outfit you would wear to Zumba. The outfits for Zumba are usually fun with tassels, bright in color, and plain old awesome! NuNu was very knowledgeable in all things fitness!! She basically went over EVERYTHING on the test! I was happy for that, being I studied, but wasn't feeling confident just reading a book and working on a study guide. We also spent the day going over all of the things they would be looking for in the practical exam. It was A LOT of working out...and I AM NOW SORE!!!

I had a brief moment of anxiety when it came time to work on what we were going to do for our 1 minute individual presentation. I couldn't think of what I was going to do, and I didn't want to do the same thing that everyone else was doing (which was situps and push ups). You had to get up front of the group, and demonstrate the specific thing you chose to do. I started freaking a bit and ran to the bathroom, and I started to cry. Just a little bit...then NuNu came in and asked me what I was doing...and that I HAD IT...I just needed that little bit of direction and support! I was glad to have her on my side! I went back in the room, did everything I needed to do, and PULLED IT OFF!! Thank you NuNu for giving me that extra boost of confidence that I knew I had inside, that needed to be brought out!! (And for going over everything that would be on the test ;-)

Thank you to everyone that was praying for me to do well! I know there were quite a few prayers going on for me!! And thanks to my babe for talking me out of freaking out the night before!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH BABE!! (He told me that he'll still love me, even if I'm homeless, and have no job, and am fat...3 things of which I will probably never be with him around)

Well, this week should be a good week for some running....just not today.

Until next time.......

1 comment:

  1. You did it! I'm so proud of you. I am quite positive you will be getting a congratulatory letter in the mail, not just a stinky white envelope. :) Get some rest and enjoy some running when you are relaxed!
