Thursday, September 15, 2011

162 days...00 hours....45 minutes and counting....

Just a fast one!

Had major hip pain yesterday...not sure if it was the over use from Sunday or not, but I know that it was very difficult to walk yesterday.

Made it to the gym tonight...Antigravity, but no running. Will need to get back to training....eventually. I must make sure my hip is back up to the strength it needs to be.

Not much to say tonight. I'm heading off to bed, just like my babe should be! He starts his first internship tomorrow morning! I'm so super proud of him! Can't wait to hear how it went!

Hopefully sooner than later.........

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you get your rest!! Don't over do it. So happy for Mike!!! :) Hope it's going well for him.
