Saturday, November 12, 2011

103 days...

And here I sit.....blogging about my road to this race....not having hit the pavement in nearly a month. I talk about my running, I think about my running, I know I should be training, but it's been hard to catch my groove. Now is the time, and it's now or never. I'm not sure why it's been so hard for me to get out there and start my running, perhaps it's just a lack of the ability to separate my behind from my bed. I always manage to come up with an excuse...

I walked home from the hair salon today, it wasn't very far away, only 1.7 miles. It took me on the route I used to run when I was training last year. It's so pretty and quiet where I was. I came across this small garden, I took a picture of it...nothing spectacular, but I thought it was in such a strange location. I can't believe I had never really seen it. I thought about going home, changing and then going on a run on the exact road I was on. THAT didn't happen. My excuse, I just got my hair cut..who wants to get their freshly washed, cut and blow dried hair all gross?? NOT ME!

Last weekend we went to my favorite place on earth...Walt Disney World. It was a much needed, but too short trip. It's always so nice to be able to go there. Mike, Dad & Trish, B & Alex all came. We walked and walked and at least I can say that I was getting some sort of exercise in.

I've been utilizing the trainer from the gym, I missed this week due to scheduling issues, but my hips have been feeling better. Well, they aren't hurting cause I haven't been maybe tomorrow, we'll know for sure if it's the running that's hurting my hips.

So, here I sit...lazily in my bed....having ordered pizza, eaten it, and digested it, all right here in my bed. I guess I have one thing going for's only Saturday. There's always tomorrow.

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