Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 1

Ok so I'm not much of a writer, but all of these resources for runners told me I should keep a journal of all of my running.  So I figured I'd make them for everyone to follow me!

Today marks day 1 of my training for the Walt Disney World Princess Half Marathon.  It will be an 18 week training, running 3 days a week (through the winter in NYC), finalizing the training at the finish line Sunday, February 27th, 2011.  I haven't quite registered yet, but that is coming!

So I'll be running on Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays.  The training suggests a breakdown of 30 minutes 2 days a week....and then on the weekend day, to do whatever the set mileage is.  This weekend starts with 3 miles.  But let's not go there yet.  Today is DAY 1...so I'll tell you about day 1. 

Alarm went off at 8:45am, didn't get out of bed until about 9:20am, walked Katie then got out the door.  Was hitting the pavement by 9:45am.  Set the Pandora to Michael Jackson.

I found a path to run locally here in my neighborhood.  I guess it's not really a path, more like running on the streets of Sunnyside, dealing with traffic lights, cars, and people in the sidewalks.  However, it's a little under a mile to a park that has a small track (small track doesn't even begin to describe it).  There is quite a bit of elevation on these roads, so that is making a bit of a challenge for me.  So I ran to the park in approximately 11 minutes.  An 11 minute mile...not bad for day 1.  There was a bit of running and a bit of walking...but we can blame that on the waiting I had to do at lights.  Ok, ok, not totally on the traffic.  Once at the park I ended up running 2 full laps and walking 1.  The track is measured at .10 mile, so a little less than a third of a mile there at the track.  I did some stretching then got back on the road.  Ran that mile back (mostly downhill which was nice). 

I stopped at the health food store on the way back and got a protein/energy shake.  It was made with banana, almond milk, ice, protein powder, and an energy elixir.  It was just what I needed after that run. 

So total, with my brief stop I got back to the house by 10:35am.  (I happened to add in a quick move of the car for alternate side of the street parking...bought me a week for my car).  Did some stretching while typing this blog, feeling GREAT!

Until Thursday.........

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