Friday, May 3, 2013

Destination unknown...

So I think I'm going to try to write a little bit each day I run and publish once a week.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013- 8:00 am
Today was day 1 of the official training schedule.
Woke up very early, yes, 8 am is very early for me right now.  I know it will get a lot easier each day I get up, but today was just very hard.  I got my running gear on and proceeded to the treadmill.
The treadmill is currently set up on the back patio of our apartment.  It's screened in & shady.

Mind you, I did not have my coffee, and I only had a little bit of water.  I don't generally like to have anything in the tummy when running.  I get side stitches, very bad side stitches.

"Coach" told me to run a steady pace 30 seconds per mile slower than my normal pace.
So I did.
3.15 miles in 32:45-  Average pace: 10:24

Back to H.E.W tonight.
Hard Exercise Works is the name and CrossFit is it's game.
It was a brutally awesome workout.  Happy to be back in the swing.

-Bar Muscle Ups (2x’s Chest to Bar Pull Ups)
-Push Ups
-Wall Walks

I completed the workout in 30 minutes...hard work!
Only thing that slowed me down was the rip on my hand!
She's a beauty!

Thursday, May 2, 2013- 8:00 am

Today was a VERY hard one for me.  Hard to wake up, hard to get out of bed, hard to get motivated.
Set the alarm for 7:30 again...couldn't seem to get the eyes to open.
I texted "Coach" and told him I couldn't get up...He told me to get my tush in gear~ so I did.
No coffee, no water, no breakfast again.
Stretched and spilled water everywhere including the treadmill got onto the treadmill.
One thing I am grateful for is a running option for rainy days.

I ended up shooting another text to "Coach" saying how difficult this run really was.
I was slow, fast, looking at the watch, saying to myself "Is this over yet?"
I felt every tiny pain that could make me complain.
And I was TIRED!
"Coach" encouraged me to keep moving forward, and get over the feelings I was having.
I kept staring at his text.  "Push through it"
His encouragement took me another .6 miles...then, I gave up.
A grand total of 1.6 miles in 16 minutes.
I just stopped.
I became frustrated with myself, but I had to stop in order to avoid a stupid careless injury.

Thank goodness for "Coach"...
He reminded me that bad days happen...
And that's the truth.
The more I process these "bad days" with some grace, perhaps they will become less frequent.
I have to choose to learn something from this bad day.
What I've learned so far, is how much I hate running right after waking up.

For the runs in Disney, while they are very early wake up calls & early morning runs...
Because I'm awake for several hours before I actually run, I feel ok about it.
I'm not as tired as a normal rainy day.
The adrenaline is pumping those mornings so I'm no where near tired!

As much as I don't want to, I may need to actually wake up dare I say earlier.
I might need the time to let my body wake up before jumping into running.
The question
I've always been an evening runner.
I've never had to wake up early to get a run in before going to work.
I feel my best when I run after I've been awake for a while.
I know it's time for a change, but again I ask, HOW?

Perhaps changing it up and heading to the gym in the morning, then running will help my body to wake up.
Guess we shall see.

No HEW tonight...
Tonight my body was telling me I needed rest.  So I graciously took it.

Took advantage of the Friday "Rest Day" scheduled.
No run, no morning workout.
Will be hitting the pavement for about 5 miles on Saturday.
Looking forward to it.

Until then....

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