Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Dare I start all over again??

Here I sit...
Once again, in front of my Blogger account....
Wondering if I am able to 100% commit to blogging about my running.

I question myself and my ability to complete this task,
as I have proven in the past that I am quite the slacker.
I read back through this blog, and it took me back-

Hard to believe that I was actually wise enough to blog about where it all began....
Alas, here we go again.

I decided on a whim that I wanted to run...not just run,
run long distances in my favorite place in the world.
I've since decided to take on what most would call crazy.
Call me what you will, but I truly have found something I love to do.
The feeling that comes along with accomplishing goals so big,
 is like nothing you will ever really understand,
unless you are a runner.

These challenges have brought me to a better understanding of myself.
How?  I'm not sure.
But I continue to want more.  Maybe it's because of the metals??

I failed to write about much of my last few races, actually, if any at all.
Before I go into what the new challenge is, you must understand a little of what went on the last year.

After completing Disney's Princess Half Marathon in 2011 & 2012, I went on to complete:
~ Disney's Tower of Terror 10 Miler- September 2012
~Disney's Wine & Dine Half Marathon- November 2012
~ Disney's Goofy Challenge (this was the big one) - January 2013
~ Seaside School Half Marathon - March 2013

Each race I became a little less prepared- perhaps a little cocky with myself.
I did little training, ended up getting worse with my times, overall consistently getting slower.
Also had a harder time recovering afterward, and had a significant amount of knee pain- NOT GOOD.

Princess Half Marathon 2011 was my fastest race-  I was prepared, I trained (semi-regularly)....
Half Marathon finish time- 2:37:12- Pace: 11:59.51

Princess Half Marathon 2012, not so prepared, not a lot of training-
 -and here is where the cockiness makes it's first appearance.
Half Marathon finish time- 2:38:14- Pace: 12:04
I finished this race 58 seconds from my personal record!!
**Does an "I'm awesome" dance**

I decide to register for the Disney races throughout the rest of the year....
And then proceeded to not train very much for any of them.
The product- a slower Jilly Sunshine.

~Tower 10 miler finish time-  2:08:19- Pace: 12:50
~Wine & Dine Half Marathon finish time-  2:39:58- Pace: 12:12

An even slower Jilly Sunshine made her appearance when it came time for the Goofy Challenge.
The Goofy Challenge, in case you don't know, is a 2 day 2 race challenge, covering 39.3 miles over the weekend.  That's a lot of miles.  Half marathon on Saturday and a full on Sunday.
The training for such a race distance should be that of, at the very least, running 3+ days a week.
I was not running near that....it was something like 1 day a week- 1 mile or so each time.
That is not anywhere NEAR the amount of miles I needed to prepare myself for 39.3 miles.
However, I was convinced I would be able to complete it.
And I did.

~Disney's Half Marathon finish time- 2:57:11- Pace 13:31
~Disney's Full Marathon finish time- 7:06:33- Pace 16:16

Now keep in mind, this was my very first full marathon, not to mention double races in one weekend.
I had no idea what to expect, but that should have made me want to train more.
What I got was an inability to walk for several days following the race weekend.

I followed up the races with a gym membership...5 days a week...for 5 weeks,
working a variety of skills, building my strength more than I could ever know.

Scheduled to run one more half marathon in March, only after joining the gym.
I ran that race with my friend who recently became a mom, and was unable to train as much as she wanted.
I became her coach, guiding her along before and during the race.  
I managed to convince her that I knew what I was doing...and I did...I just didn't practice it. 
I was doing only the gym.  There was no running in my training schedule.

~Seaside School Half Marathon finish time: 2:53:??  Pace: 13:21

After this race, I felt great!!  I was able to walk, I wasn't exhausted, and mentally I was thrilled to no end!
I have attributed the way I felt afterwards to the physical training my body was experiencing.

I took a month off from the gym, only to miss it like crazy.
It was a good thing that I decided to take the break, because as it goes, 
I start training tomorrow for the Dopey Challenge.

I know what you are thinking...
What?  Why?  How?  Is she NUTS?!?!?
My friends, let me explain...
My mind is in a better place this time.  I am ready and prepared for what is in store.
What's in store is 4 races over 4 days totaling to 48.6 miles,
and 8 months of training.
Yes, I said 8 months!  
Can she keep to it?  Can she stop being so lazy all the time?  Can she keep us updated on her progress?
Well, that's the goal.

Tomorrow it begins.
5 days a week at the gym in addition to 5 days a week running.
I'll be starting small with the distance running.
I've done a few pre-training training runs...both being only 3 miles.
I've felt great and accomplished after each.

I'm aiming to really focus on myself this year...as selfish as it sounds.
I'll be eating better, training harder, feeling amazing, and making sure all I have to offer is genuine.
This year will truly be the opportunity of a lifetime...
You are only 31 once!

So, let me finish by saying...I hope you will stick with me and my progress this year.
I hope to document this journey as best I can...and hope I stick with myself as well.
I believe in this opportunity- and can't wait to see what the future of it holds!!

Dopey Challenge Training- week 1
Miles so far: 6
Average pace: 9:44

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